Go…and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 28:19
Words: Alexander Balfour, in A New Selection of Hymns (London: J. Haddon, 1828), number 361. The missionary’s departure.
Music: Missionary Chant Heinrich C. Zeuner, 1832 (🔊
If you know where to get a good picture of Balfour or Zeuner (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Go, messenger of peace and love,
To nations plunged in shades of night;
Like Gabriel, sent from fields above,
Be thine to shed celestial light.
On barren rock and desert isle,
Go, bid the Rose of Sharon bloom,
Till arid wastes around thee smile,
Rich as the dews from morning’s womb.
Go, to the hungry food impart,
To paths of peace the wanderer guide;
And lead the thirsty panting heart
Where streams of living water glide.
Go, bid the bright and morning star,
From Bethlehem’s plains resplendent shine,
And, piercing through the gloom, afar
Shed heav’nly light and love divine.
To India’s various castes proclaim
The Gospel’s soft, but powerful voice;
And, at the blest Redeemer’s name,
Let ocean’s lonely isles rejoice.
Proclaim salvation’s joyful sound—
The deaf with new delight shall hear;
Tell them the Savior binds each wound,
And wipes the penitential tear.
Though thou art weak, the Lord is strong;
He will confirm thy feeble arm;
His servants shall not suffer wrong,
Nor wrath of man His prophets harm.
From north to south, from east to west,
Messiah yet shall reign supreme;
His name, by every tongue confessed;
His praise, the universal theme.
Then faint not in the day of toil,
When harvest waits the reaper’s hand;
Go, gather in the glorious spoil,
And joyous in His presence stand.
Thy love a rich reward shall find
From Him who sits enthroned on high;
For they who turn the erring mind
Shall shine like stars above the sky.