Scripture Verse

There is no power but from God; the powers that be are ordained by God. Romans 13:1


Words: Hen­ry Har­baugh, 1860.

Music: Great High Priest Chris­tian Greg­or, Cho­ral­buch 1784 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Hintze (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Henry Harbaugh (1817–1867)


God, most migh­ty, so­ver­eign Lord,
By the hea­ven­ly hosts ad­ored!
God of na­tions, King of kings,
Head of all cre­at­ed things!

By Thy saints with joy con­fessed,
God o’er all for ev­er blest,
Lo, we come be­fore Thy throne
In our Sav­ior’s name alone.

Thee, O Christ, we wor­ship, bless,
Head of all Thy Church con­fess;
Hear the prais­es, and the plaints,
Of Thy needy, sigh­ing saints.

Let Thy blood our ran­som be;
Save us as we trust in Thee.
Pleading at Thy throne we stand,
Save Thy peo­ple, bless our land.

By Thy­self, the source of grace;
By Thy head­ship of our race;
By Thy com­ing from the skies;
By Thine aw­ful sac­ri­fice!

By Thy reign o’er all on earth,
For its new, and se­cond birth:
In Thy mer­its let us stand,
Save, O Lord, and bless our land.

From all pub­lic sin and shame;
From am­bi­tion’s grasp­ing aim,
From the pride that brings a fall,
Sins of sense whose dregs are gall.

From the love of va­ni­ty;
From for­get­ful­ness of Thee:
From the judg­ments of Thy hand,
Spare Thy peo­ple, spare our land.

From re­bel­lion, war and death;
From the pes­ti­len­tial breath:
From dread fa­mine’s aw­ful stroke;
From op­press­ion’s gall­ing yoke.

From the earth­quake’s stun­ning blow;
From all pub­lic fear and woe;
Spare us, spare us, Lord most high,
Hear Thy peo­ple’s hum­ble cry.

On our fields of grass and grain,
Drop, O Lord! the kind­ly rain;
O’er our wide and good­ly land,
Crown the la­bors of each hand.

Let Thy kind pro­tect­ion be
O’er our com­merce on the sea;
Open, Lord! Thy boun­te­ous hand,
Bless Thy peo­ple, bless our land.

Let, O Lord! our rul­ers be
Men that love and hon­or Thee;
Let the pow­ers by Thee or­dained
Be in right­eous­ness main­tained.

In the peo­ple’s hearts in­crease
Love of pi­ety and peace;
Thus unit­ed we shall stand
One wide, free, and hap­py land.

God the Fa­ther, let Thy love
Shine up­on us from above;
God the Son, our Sav­ior, plead,
With Thy blood, for all we need.

God the Ho­ly Ghost, im­part
Healing pow­er to ev­ery heart;
Triune God, O hear our plea,
Save us as we trust in Thee.