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Scripture Verse

A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time. Isaiah 60:22


Words: Fred­er­ick Ed­wards, 1906.

Music: Pax Ve­ri­ta­tis Ho­ra­tio W. Park­er, 1918 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ed­wards (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Horatio W. Parker


God of the na­tions, who hast led
Thy child­ren since the world be­gan,
Through doubt and strug­gle, pain and tears,
Unfolding Thy eter­nal plan;
From count­less hill­tops as of old
The fire up­on the altar flares;
Through count­less rites, in count­less tongues,
Men of­fer their im­per­fect pray­ers;
Hasten the time of our re­lease,
Bring in Thy reign of truth and peace.

O Je­sus Christ, in­car­nate Son,
Who bore our flesh that men might see
The vi­sion of the per­fect life
Fashioned in their hu­ma­ni­ty;
By all Thy words of heav­en­ly truth,
By all Thy deeds of mer­cy wrought,
By all the pas­sion of Thy cross,
By the re­demp­tion Thou hast brought;
Hasten the time of our re­lease,
Bring in Thy reign of truth and peace.

O Ho­ly Spir­it, who dost touch
The pro­phets with Thy sac­red fire
Eternal wis­dom to whose light
All seek­ers af­ter truth as­pire;
Behold the war­ring sons of men,
The help­less by the strong op­pressed,
The truth with er­ror still con­cealed,
The ev­il grudg­ing­ly con­fessed;
Hasten the time of our re­lease,
Bring in Thy reign of truth and peace.

O God tri­une, Thy Church to­day
In pe­ni­tence be­fore Thee kneels
Mourning her years of sloth­ful ease,
Her deaf­ness to the world’s ap­peals;
Divided where she should be one,
Enamored of a less­er strife,
Tithing the mint and cu­min while
Men per­ish for the Bread of Life;
Hasten the time of our re­lease,
Bring in Thy reign of truth and peace.

Restore to us the vi­sion, Lord,
Descend with fires of Pen­te­cost;
Our tongues un­loose, our hearts in­flame,
To preach the Gos­pel to the lost:
Here at Thy feet our pray­er is made,
Here life and wealth we de­di­cate;
Thy king­dom come, Thy will be done,
Lord, Thy an­oint­ing we await;
Hasten the time of our re­lease,
Bring in Thy reign of truth and peace.