Go…teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.
Matthew 28:20
Words: Anonymous. Appeared in A Selection of Hymns from the Best Authors, by John Rippon, 15th edition, 1800, number 418. Reflecting the hymn’s British source, the last line of the third verse was originally To this distinguish’d island came.
Music: Whitby Abbey R. Frank Lehman, 1901 (🔊
said the voice of heavenly love,
My Gospel preach to every land;
Lo! I am with you to the end;
Observe and follow My command.
With joy the first disciples heard,
And told the ever gracious news
As they from Him received in charge,
First, to the unbelieving Jews:
Then to the Gentiles, far and near,
Published salvation in His name,
And the glad tidings of His grace
To many far flung islands came.
But ah! to spread their sacred theme,
How few have our attempts been found!
What heathen lands from us have heard
The glorious heart reviving sound?
To us their duty they bequeathed;
And left the promise on record;
And had our ardor equaled theirs,
The same had been our blest reward.
We too had multitudes beheld
Forsake the gods their hands had made,
And the bright beam of heavenly day
Their yet benighted realms pervade.
Savior divine, our guilt forgive!
Inspire our souls with warmer zeal!
Pour out Thy Spirit from on high,
And let us all His influence feel!