Scripture Verse

[They] went and told Jesus. Matthew 14:12


Theodore F. Seward

Words: Se­li­na S. Gibbs, 1863. Pub­lished in The Gold­en Cen­ser (New York: Will­iam B. Brad­bu­ry, 1864), page 61.

Music: Theo­dore F. Sew­ard (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Gibbs (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Go and tell Je­sus, wea­ry, sin-sick soul;
He’ll ease thee of thy bur­den, make thee whole;
Look up to Him, He on­ly can for­give;
Believe on Him, and thou shalt sure­ly live.


Go and tell Je­sus, He on­ly can for­give;
Go and tell Je­sus, O turn to Him and live;
Go and tell Je­sus, go and tell Je­sus,
Go and tell Je­sus, He on­ly can for­give.

Go and tell Je­sus, when your sins arise,
Like mount­ains of deep guilt before your eyes;
His blood was spilt, His pre­cious life He gave,
That mercy, peace and par­don you might have.


Go and tell Je­sus, He’ll dis­pel thy fears,
Will calm thy doubts, and wipe away your tears;
He’ll take thee in His arms, and on His breast
Thou mayst be hap­py, and for ev­er rest.
