Go…and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Matthew 28:19
Words & Music: Charles H. Gabriel, 1904 (🔊
). Appeared in Sing unto the Lord, edited by Charles Gabriel & William E. M. Hackleman (Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackleman Music, 1906), number 158.
Go tell the story to the world,
Of Him who once was slain;
Who lay within the silent tomb,
And rose to life again;
Repeat the wonders of His love
To lands beyond the sea;
Tell how He left His home above
To die for you and me.
Go tell the story to the world,
His power and love proclaim;
Tell of His righteousness and magnify
Our great Immanuel’s name.
Go tell the story to the world,
Enlist for God today;
The sacrifice He made for you,
You never can repay;
Go forth to conquer for the Lord,
The enemy defy;
All power is thine thro’ Him alone,
Who lives and cannot die.
Go tell the story to the world,
The welcome tidings bear
To every creature, in His name,
At home and everywhere;
Go tell the story to the world,
Our God and king extol,
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all.