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Scripture Verse

Go…and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Matthew 28:19


Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)

Words & Mu­sic: Charles H. Ga­bri­el, 1904 (🔊 ). Ap­peared in Sing un­to the Lord, ed­it­ed by Charles Ga­bri­el & Will­iam E. M. Hac­kleman (In­dian­apo­lis, In­di­ana: Hac­kle­man Mu­sic, 1906), num­ber 158.


Go tell the sto­ry to the world,
Of Him who once was slain;
Who lay with­in the si­lent tomb,
And rose to life again;
Repeat the won­ders of His love
To lands be­yond the sea;
Tell how He left His home above
To die for you and me.


Go tell the sto­ry to the world,
His pow­er and love pro­claim;
Tell of His right­eous­ness and mag­ni­fy
Our great Im­ma­nu­el’s name.

Go tell the sto­ry to the world,
Enlist for God to­day;
The sac­ri­fice He made for you,
You nev­er can re­pay;
Go forth to con­quer for the Lord,
The en­emy de­fy;
All pow­er is thine thro’ Him alone,
Who lives and can­not die.


Go tell the sto­ry to the world,
The wel­come tid­ings bear
To ev­ery crea­ture, in His name,
At home and ev­ery­where;
Go tell the sto­ry to the world,
Our God and king ex­tol,
Bring forth the roy­al dia­dem,
And crown Him Lord of all
