Scripture Verse

The eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Isaiah 35:5


Words: Ano­ny­mous.

Music: Co­ventry (Root) George F. Root (1820–1895) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

George F. Root (1820–1895)


The God who made both Hea­ven and earth
And all that they con­tain
Will ne­ver quit His stead­fast truth
Nor make His pro­mise vain.

The poor and all op­pressed by wrong
Are saved by His de­cree;
He gives the hun­gry need­ful food
And sets the cap­tive free.

By Him the blind re­ceive their sight,
By Him the fall­en rise;
With con­stant care, His ten­der love
All hu­man need sup­plies.