Grace be unto you, and peace, from Him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from the seven spirits which are before His throne.
Revelation 1:4
Words: Charles Wesley, Short Hymns (Bristol, England: E. Farley, 1762), Volume 2, number 822.
Music: Ormesby George Merritt, in The Primitive Methodist Hymnal, edited by George Booth (London: Primitive Methodist Publishing House, 1889), number 46 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Merritt (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Grace, the fountain of all good,
Ye happy saints, receive,
With the streams of peace overflowèd
With all that God can give;
He who is, and was, in peace
And grace, and plenitude of power,
Come your favored souls to bless,
And never leave you more!
Let the Spirit before His throne
Mysterious one and seven,
In His various gifts sent down,
Be to the churches given;
Let the pure seraphic joy
From Jesus Christ the Just descend,
Holiness without alloy,
And bliss which ne’er shall end.