The great day of the Lord is near.
Zephaniah 1:14
Words & Music: Francis A. Blackmer, Singing by the Way (Boston, Massachusetts: Bardwell, Blackmer, 1890) (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Blackmer (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
The great day is nearing,
For Jesus’ appearing,
And so would I watch, as I pray,
With lamp trimmed and burning,
For my Lord’s returning,
Lest I be not ready for that day;
I want to be ready for that day.
I want to be ready for that day,
With lamp trimmed and burning
For my Lord’s returning;
I want to be ready for that day.
But rich grace is offered,
And strong help is proffered,
That safe I may go on my way;
The truth ever knowing
In grace ever growing,
O, I can be ready for that day.
O, I can be ready for that day;
Yes, I can be ready for that day,
With lamp trimmed and burning,
For my Lord’s returning;
O, I can be ready for that day.
That grace, I’ll receive it,
That word, I’ll believe it,
And walking by faith all the way,
When Jesus shall call me,
No fear shall appall me,
For I shall be ready for that day.
O, I shall be ready for that day;
Yes, I shall be ready for that day,
With lamp trimmed and burning,
For my Lord’s returning;
O, I shall be ready for that day.