The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:16–17
Words & Music: Lelia N. Morris, 1908, alt. (🔊
). Published in Hymns and Spiritual Songs No. 2, edited by John P. Hillis, Henry L. Gilmour & William J. Kirkpatrick (Fairbury, Illinois & Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Praise Publishing, 1909), page 125.
Soon the trumpet sound appalling,
And the loud archangel calling,
Shall upon our ears be falling,
On the great judgment day.
Are you ready, are you ready?
O my brother, can we say
We are ready, fully ready,
For the great judgment day?
We shall see the Judge descending,
And the dead in Christ ascending,
With the heav’nly hosts attending,
On the great judgment day.
You’ll be glad to have salvation,
When He summons every nation,
To the final separation
On the great judgment day.
Some to outer darkness going,
On their faces terror growing;
Some, to drink from fountains flowing,
On the great judgment day.
There’ll be weeping, there’ll be wailing,
Unbelievers trembling, quailing,
Tears and cries—all unavailing,
On the great judgment day.
There’ll be shouting, there’ll be singing,
There’ll be joy in Heaven ringing,
When the King His own comes bringing,
On the great judgment day.
For the Bridegroom’s glad returning,
(Here at last, our souls’ great yearning!)
Will our lamps be trimmed and burning,
On the great judgment day?
Heed today the exhortation,
Hearken, every tribe and nation,
Now’s the time for preparation,
For the great judgment day.