All the families of the nations will bow down before Him.
Psalms 22:27
Words: AnoĀnyĀmous, in A ColĀlectĀion of Psalms and Hymns for the Use of UniĀverĀsalĀist SoĀciĀeties and FaĀmiĀlies, 13th ediĀtion, edĀitĀed by HoĀsea BalĀlou (BosĀton, MasĀsaĀchuĀsetts: UniĀverĀsalĀist Church of AmĀeriĀca, 1842), numĀber 512. Pardon ImĀplored for NaĀtionĀal Sins.
Music: Cross of JeĀsus (StainĀer) John StainĀer, 1887 (š
Alternate Tunes:
Great Jehovah! God of nations!
From Thy temĀple in the skies
Hear Thy peopleās supĀpliĀcaĀtions,
Now for their deĀlivĀerĀance rise.
Though our sins, our hearts conĀfoundĀing,
Long and loud upĀon Thee call,
Thou hast merĀcy more aboundĀing,
Jesusās blood can cleanse them all.
Let that love veil our transĀgressĀion;
Let that blood our guilt efĀface;
Save Thy people from opĀpressĀion,
Save from spoil Thy hoĀly place.
Lo! with deep conĀtriĀtion turnĀing,
Humbly at Thy feet we bend,
Hear us, fastĀing, prayĀing, mournĀingā
Hear us, spare us, and deĀfend.