Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
Matthew 25:41
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Songs of Redeeming Love, edited by John Sweney et al. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: John J. Hood, 1882), number 224. Some hymnals give the author as Lizzie Edwards, one of Fanny’s pseudonyms.
Music: John R. Sweney (🔊
You are under condemnation,
Careless sinner,
And the judgment day is surely drawing near;
If you trample under foot redeeming mercy,
What a sentence then your guilty soul will hear.
Depart from My presence,
The Judge will proclaim,
Depart from My presence
Into everlasting flame!
Oh, escape this awful doom;
Cling to Jesus while you may,
And prepare to meet your Savior
On the great judgment day.
There’s a judgment fast approaching,
Careless sinner,
And remember there’s a death that never dies;
Oh, the wailing of the lost who feel its anguish;
To its horror will you dare to close your eyes?
There’s a judgment fast approaching,
Careless sinner,
If you sin away the precious time of grace;
You will call upon the rocks to fall upon you,
And to hide you from a slighted Savior’s face.
There’s a world where all the righteous
Shall be gathered,
And another of remorse and endless pain;
If you die without the cleansing blood of Jesus,
Then forever with the lost you must remain.