He will be our guide even to the end.
Psalm 48:14
Words: Sue E. Chittam, in New Songs of Praise, by Alfred E. Helton et al. (Lenoir, North Carolina: Teachers’ Music Publishing, 1913), number 61.
Music: William A. Williams (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Chittam or Williams (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
While laboring here, dear Savior, be near
And keep us by day and night;
O bless Thou us all whatever befall,
And tenderly guide us aright!
O help us each day, our Savior, we pray,
Thou knowest we’re weak and tempted to roam;
O guide us aright, Thou glorious light,
And crown us in Heav’n, Thy home!
Hosannas we sing, to Jesus, our king,
Who died on the cross to save
From sin and its woes, His friends and His foes,
O conqueror of death and the grave!
O Father of might, now guide us aright,
And keep us from sin alway;
When life here is done, thro’ faith in Thy Son,
Receive us to glory for aye!