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Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


William H. Neilson, Jr.

Words: Will­iam H. Neil­son, Jr., Ga­thered Leaves of Sun­day School Song (New York & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Big­low & Main, 1882), pag­es 15–16 & 161.

Music: Lew­is H. Red­ner (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Neil­son, would you send us an e-mail?

Lewis H.Redner


Hail! bless­èd Christ­mas day,
When an­gels bright, who came by night,
Once sang this joy­ful lay,
Glory to God, and peace on earth,
Goodwill to men
at Je­sus’ birth;
Then sing aloud the glad ref­rain:
Hail! bless­èd Christ­mas, back again!
Hail! bless­èd Christ­mas, back again!

Hail! hap­py Christ­mas day,
Children, re­joice, with heart and voice—
Chase all sad thoughts away.
Jesus was born your souls to bless,
To cleanse them from un­right­eous­ness.
Then sing aloud the glad re­frain:
Hail! hap­py Christ­mas, back again!
Hail! hap­py Christ­mas, back again!

Hail! mer­ry Christ­mas day!
The load­ed tree, bright let it be
With toys and can­dle ray;
Amidst these gifts, re­mem­ber too,
The pre­cious gift God gave to you.
Then sing aloud the glad re­frain,
Hail! mer­ry Chris­tmas, back again!
Hail! mer­ry Chris­tmas, back again!

Hail! ho­ly Chris­tmas day!
Devoutly raise your grate­ful lays;
With rev­er­ent spir­it pray
That God would make each lit­tle one
A fol­low­er of His own dear Son.
Then all pro­long the glad re­frain:
Hail! ho­ly Chris­tmas, back again!
Hail! ho­ly Chris­tmas, back again!