Scripture Verse

Where is He that is born king of the Jews? Matthew 2:2


John Brownlie (1857–1925)

Words: Au­thor un­known, an­cient Greek (οι μα­γοι τα δϖρα προσ­φε­ρου­σιν οι ποι­με­νες το θαυ­μα κηρυτ­του­σιν). Trans­lat­ed from Greek to Eng­lish by John Brown­lie, Hymns of the Ear­ly Church (Lon­don: Mor­gan & Scott, 1913), pag­es 52–53.

Music: Lan­gran James Lan­gran, first pub­lished in a leaf­let in 1861, then in Psalms and Hymns Adapt­ed to the Ser­vic­es of the Church of Eng­land, by John Fos­ter, 1863 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Lan­gran (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Hail to the King, who comes in weak­ness now,
No wreath of gold en­circ­leth His brow,
Lowly His state—in lowly wor­ship bow;
Hail to the King! Hail to the King!

Born of His maid­en mo­ther, pure as snow,
Son of our God, be­got­ten long ago,
Ere yet the stream of time be­gan to flow;
Hail to the King! Hail to the King!

Nowhere was found a shel­ter for His head,
Humble He lay, e’en where the ox­en fed,
No couch nor crib, a man­ger was His bed;
Hail to the King! Hail to the King!

Herdsmen were there who heard the an­gels sing;
Wise men from far who myrrh and in­cense bring,
No oth­er hand be­stowed an of­fer­ing;
Hail to the King! Hail to the King!

Hail to the King! O Christ, up­on Thy throne,
Look on the souls which
Thou didst make Thine own,
When by Thy birth and death Thou didst atone;
Hail to the King! Hail to the King!