Scripture Verse

The whole family in Heaven. Ephesians 3:15


Words: Amos Sut­ton, 1833. Sut­ton, a mis­sion­ary to India, wrote these words dur­ing a vi­sit to Eng­land.

Music: Fair Ha­ven tra­di­tion­al Scot­tish tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Sut­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Hail! sweet­est, dear­est tie that binds
Our glow­ing hearts in one;
Hail sac­red hope, that tunes our minds
To har­mo­ny di­vine.
It is the hope, the bliss­ful hope,


Which Je­sus’ grace has giv’n;
The hope when days and years are passed,
We all shall meet in Heav’n.

What though the north­ern win­try blast
Shall howl around thy cot,
What though be­neath an east­ern sun,
Be cast our dist­ant lot;
Yet still we share the bliss­ful hope!


From Bur­ma’s shores, from Af­ric’s strand,
From In­dia’s burn­ing plain,
From Eur­ope, from Co­lum­bia’s land,
We hope to meet again.
It is the hope, the bliss­ful hope!


No lin­ger­ing hope, no part­ing sigh,
Our fu­ture meet­ings knows;
The friend­ship beams from ev­ery eye,
And hope im­mor­tal grows,
O sacr­ed hope! O bliss­ful hope!
