Scripture Verse

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20


Johnson Oatman, Jr.

Words: John­son Oat­man, Jr., 1923. Ap­peared in Songs of the Cross, ed­it­ed by Ru­fus H. Cor­ne­li­us (Fort Worth, Tex­as: R. H. Cor­ne­li­us, 1924), num­ber 315.

Music: Tri­van­drum Le­on­ard D. Huff­stut­ler, 1923 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Leonard D. Huffstutler (1887–1977)


Once from my poor sin-sick soul
Christ did ev­ery bur­den roll;
Now I walk, re­deemed and whole,
Hand in hand with Je­sus.


Hand in hand we walk each day,
Hand in hand along the way;
Walking thus, I can­not stray,
Hand in hand with Je­sus.

In my night of dark des­pair,
Jesus heard and an­swered pray­er;
Now I’m walk­ing free as air,
Hand in hand with Je­sus.


From the straight and nar­row way,
Praise the Lord, I can­not stray;
For I’m walk­ing ev­ery day,
Hand in hand with Je­sus.


When the stars are back­ward rolled,
And His home I shall be­hold,
I will walk those streets of gold,
Hand in hand with Je­sus.
