Scripture Verse

I am the light of the world: he that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12


Words: Frank F. Car­pen­ter, 1899.

Music: Ed­win Gard­ner (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Car­pen­ter or Gard­ner (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Flashing o’er the track­less ocean
Gleams the light up­on the wave,
Mid the toss­ing storm’s com­mo­tion,
From the light­house placed to save.
See it as its si­lent bright­ness
Speaks to wan­der­ers on the main;
Steer this way, be­night­ed sea­man,
If the port you’d safe­ly gain.


Look to Je­sus, Chris­tian sail­or,
While the rag­ing tem­pests roar;
Watch the gleam­ing of the bea­con,
He’s the light along the shore,
He’s the light along the shore.

If the dark­ness close about you,
And the an­gry bil­lows foam,
If the winds sweep wild­ly round you,
Christian sail­or far from home,
Put your trust in Christ the Sav­ior,
He will guide you ev­er­more;
Watch the beam­ing of the bea­con
From the light­house on the shore.


It is light­ing up the chan­nel,
It il­lum­ines all the way,
And will ne­ver cease to guide us
Till there dawns eter­nal day;
Then, when an­chored in the har­bor,
And life’s voy­age is safe­ly o’er,
We will prais­es give to Je­sus,
For the light along the shore.
