Scripture Verse

A virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14


Richard Mant (1776–1848)

Words: Ri­chard Mant, An­cient Hymns from the Ro­man Bre­vi­ary (Lon­don: J. G. & F. Riv­ing­ton, 1837), num­ber 40.

Music: De­us Tuo­rum Mi­li­tum Gre­no­ble An­ti­phon­er, 1753 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Hark! heard ye not the an­cient seer,
While thus the won­drous pro­mise ran?
A vir­gin shall con­ceive, and bear
A son, Im­ma­nu­el, God with man!

Hark! hear ye not the an­gel bring
His an­swer­ing mes­sage from the sky?
Hail, vir­gin blest, from whom shall spring
A son, the Son of God most high!

O Thou, who didst not scorn be­low,
The Son of Man, with us to dwell,
And us Thy Fa­ther’s glo­ry show,
The Son of God, Im­ma­nu­el.

Thou, for our sake in­car­nate made,
Thy God­head, lo! with faith we own,
Or in a ser­vant’s form ar­rayed,
Or part­ner of Thy Fa­ther’s throne.

O Je­sus, glo­ry be to Thee,
Returned to Thy ce­les­ti­al rest,
Throned with Thy Fa­ther’s ma­jes­ty,
In un­ion with the Spir­it blest.

Isaiah Writes of Christ’s Birth