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Scripture Verse

The gates of hell shall not prevail. Matthew 16:18


Words: Al­ice J. Clea­tor, 1902. Pub­lished in Sun­day-School Hymns No. 1, ed­it­ed by Is­aac H. Me­re­dith, Grant C. Tul­lar & Jo­seph Ler­man (New York: Tul­lar-Me­re­dith, 1903).

Music: Jo­seph W. Ler­man (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Clea­tor or Ler­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Hark, the sound of com­ing le­gions,
O how joy­ful is the sound,
’Tis the child­ren’s ar­my march­ing,
On the Mas­ter’s er­rands bound.
See their fac­es all are glowing
With the joy­ous light of youth
As they’re march­ing, on­ward march­ing
For the cause of Right and Truth.


Hark, the tramp of com­ing le­gions,
O how joy­ful is the sound,
’Tis the child­ren’s ar­my march­ing,
On the Mas­ter’s er­rands bound.

Hark, the tramp of com­ing le­gions,
Hosts of Sa­tan now must quail,
They must scat­ter in con­fu­sion
When this ar­my shall pre­vail.
At the sum­mons of the Mas­ter,
See the child­ren fall in line,
Marching on with glad en­dea­vor,
Trusting in the help di­vine.


Hark, the tramp of com­ing le­gions,
Marching on­ward mill­ions strong,
They shall sure­ly be vic­tor­ious
O’er the hosts of sin and wrong.
Ever loy­al to the Mas­ter,
Strong their hearts shall be and brave,
Till the Gos­pel’s glo­ri­ous ban­ner
Over all the world shall wave.
