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Scripture Verse

Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. 1 Corinthians 2:9


Words & Mu­sic: Phi­lip P. Bliss, Sun­shine for Sun­day Schools (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio & Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: John Church & George F. Root and Sons, 1873), page 16 (🔊 ).

Philip Bliss (1838–1876)


A vast for­tune was left in the hands of a min­is­ter for one of his poor pa­rish­ion­ers.

Fearing that it might be squan­dered if sud­den­ly be­stowed up­on him, the wise min­is­ter sent him but a lit­tle at a time, with a note, say­ing, This is thine; use it wise­ly; there is more to fol­low.

Brethren, that’s just the way God deals with us.

Dwight Ly­man Moody, quot­ed in Whit­tle, p. 148


Have you on the Lord be­lieved?
Still there’s more to fol­low.
Of His grace have you re­ceived?
Still there’s more to fol­low.
Oh, the grace the Fa­ther shows!
Still there’s more to fol­low.
Freely He His grace be­stows,
Still there’s more to fol­low.


More and more, more and more,
Always more to fol­low,
Oh, his match­less, bound­less love!
Still there’s more to fol­low.

Have you felt the Sav­ior near?
Still there’s more to fol­low.
Does His bless­èd pre­sence cheer?
Still there’s more to fol­low.
Oh the love that Je­sus shows;
Still there’s more to fol­low.
Freely He His love be­stows,
Still there’s more to fol­low.


Have you felt the Spir­it’s pow­er?
Still there’s more to fol­low.
Falling like the gen­tle show­er?
Still there’s more to fol­low.
Oh, the pow­er the Spir­it shows,
Still there’s more to fol­low.
Freely He His pow­er be­stows,
Still there’s more to fol­low.
