Scripture Verse

Have mercy upon me, O Lord; for I am weak: O Lord, heal me. Psalm 6:2


Words: God­frey Thring, 1866.

Music: La­cry­mæ Ar­thur S. Sul­li­van, 1872 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Thring (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900)


Heal me, O my Sav­ior, heal;
Heal me as I sup­pli­ant kneel;
Heal me, and my par­don seal.

Fresh the wounds that sin hath made;
Hear the pray­ers I oft have prayed,
And in mer­cy send me aid.

Helpless, none can help me now;
Cheerless, none can cheer but Thou;
Suppliant, Lord, to Thee I bow.

Thou the true Phy­si­cian art;
Thou, O Christ, canst health im­part,
Binding up the bleed­ing heart.

Other com­fort­ers are gone;
Thou canst heal, and Thou alone;
Thou for all my sins atone.

Heal me, then, my Sav­ior, heal:
Heal me, as I sup­pli­ant kneel;
To Thy mer­cy I appeal.