Have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.
Psalm 4:1
Words: Will C. Holmes, 1891.
Music: Atlantic Avenue E. D. Keck (🔊
Keck’s full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Holmes, would you send us an e-mail?
Hear my prayer; O hear and bless,
While my sins I now confess!
Let me hear that voice so mild,
Softly say, Thou art My child.
Hear my prayer; O Father, hear!
Safe am I if Thou art near;
More like Christ, my Savior, make,
Hear me for Thy mercy’s sake.
Hear my prayer; O Father, hear!
Soothe my conscience, calm my fear;
Drive away each rising doubt,
Cast the evil spirit out.
Hear my prayer, and make me Thine;
May I know that Thou art mine;
Know I am from sin set free,
And each day grow more like Thee.