Scripture Verse

It is good for me to draw near to God. Psalm 73:28


Charles E. Leslie (1845–1893)

Words: Charles E. Les­lie, Hea­ven­ly Tid­ings (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Chi­ca­go Mu­sic, 1890).

Music: Pie­mon­te Charles E. Les­lie, 1890 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Les­lie,


Heaven is not far away,
When Je­sus is near;
Give your heart to Him, I pray,
When Je­sus is near.
Place your trust in Him, dear friend,
He will keep you to the end,
Heaven is not far away,
When Je­sus is near.

Will you not re­pent, be­lieve,
When Je­sus is near?
Peace and par­don now re­ceive,
When Je­sus is near.
He will not your pray­er re­fuse,
Come and now the Sav­ior choose,
Heaven is not far away,
When Je­sus is near.

Are you com­ing home to­day,
When Je­sus is near?
Do not long­er stay away,
When Je­sus is near.
Cast your bur­den on the Lord,
He has pro­mised in His word,
Heaven is not far away,
When Je­sus is near.