Scripture Verse

Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12


Morton B. Wharton (1839–1908)

Words: Mor­ton B. Whar­ton, in Songs of Praise Num­ber Two, ed­it­ed by J. Wil­bur Chap­man & Ow­en F. Pugh (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: West­min­ster Press, 1905), num­ber 15.

Music: Cas­til­lo Ow­en F. Pugh, 1905 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Owen F. Pugh (1867–1920)


Heav’n at last—I’ve reached the har­bor,
For whose calm I long have prayed;
Trees of life—ce­les­ti­al ar­bor—
I re­pose be­neath their shade.


Hark! I hear the an­gels sing­ing,
Morning breaks, your night is past,
And the crys­tal bells are ring­ing
Welcome to your home at last.

Heav’n at last—the Sav­ior liveth,
See Him on His bliss­ful seat;
Crowns of life to each He giv­eth,
Crowns they cast be­fore His feet.


Heav’n at last—my loved ones ga­ther,
Tell me of their joys on high;
Tell me how the bless­èd Fa­ther
Wipes the tear from sor­row’s eye.


Heav’n at last—and now like Je­sus,
Every rap­tured saint I see;
Now we see Him as He sees us,
Evermore with Him to be.
