Scripture Verse

By terrible things in righteousness wilt Thou answer us, O God of our salvation; who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea. Psalm 65:5


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in the Se­cond Ad­vent Hymn Book, ed­it­ed by Phi­ne­as A. Smith (New York: Smith & Clough, 1850).

Music: Vil­la­vi­cen­cio, ar­ranged by Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick, Our Praise in Song (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: John J. Hood, 1893), num­ber 218 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


What ves­sel are you sail­ing in?
Declare to us the same.
Our ves­sel is the Ark of God—
And Christ our cap­tain’s name.


We’ll face the storm, it can’t be long,
We’ll an­chor by and by,
We’ll face the storm, it can’t be long,
Well an­chor by and by.
We’ll face the storm, it can’t be long,
We’ll an­chor by and by,
We’ll face the storm, it can’t be long,
We’ll an­chor by and by.

Pray, what’s the port to which you sail?
Declare to us straight­way.
The New Je­ru­sa­lem’s our port—
The realms of end­less day.


How ma­ny souls have you on board
The roy­al ship di­vine?
Thousands one hun­dred forty-four
Shall on Mount Zi­on stand:


And on the sea of min­gled glass,
A throng of ev­ery tongue,
Their song of praise to God will raise—
Salvation to the Lamb.


And are you not afraid some storm
Your bark will ov­er­whelm?
We can­not fear, the Lord is near;
Our Fa­ther’s at the helm.


Our com­pass is the sac­red Word;
Our an­chor, bloom­ing hope;
The love of God our main top-sail,
And faith our ca­ble rope.


We’ve looked astern, and ma­ny toils
The Lord has brought us through;
We’re look­ing now ahead, and lo!
The land ap­pears in view.


Heave out the boat, I’ll go along,
If you can find me room!

We’ve room for you and all who will
Unto the Sav­ior come.


The sun is up, the clouds are gone,
The heav’ns above are clear.
The city bright ap­pears in sight,
We’re get­ting round the pier.


And when we all are land­ed safe
On the ce­les­ti­al plain,
Our song shall be, Wor­thy’s the Lamb
For re­bel sin­ners slain!

Hoist ev­ery sail to catch the gale,
Each sail­or ply his oar,
The night be­gins to wear away,
We soon shall reach the shore.
We soon shall reach the shore,
We soon shall reach the shore,
The night be­gins to wear away,
We soon shall reach the shore.