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Scripture Verse

Behold, I come quickly. Revelation 3:11


Words & Mu­sic: Will­iam T. Pet­ten­gell, in Milk and Ho­ney: or, Burn­ing Bush Songs No. 4, ed­it­ed by D. Far­son, E. L. Har­vey & F. Mes­sen­ger (Wau­ke­sha, Wis­con­sin: Me­tro­po­li­tan Church As­so­cia­tion, 1910) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Pet­ten­gell, would you send us an e-mail?

William T. Pettengell


Jesus is com­ing! go, her­ald the tid­ings
Far over the land and the sea;
Jesus is com­ing to ga­ther the ran­somed,
Redeemed by His death on the tree.
Angels at­tend­ing, the heav­ens des­cend­ing—
All lang­uage our joy will trans­cend,
When we shall see Him, the King in His beau­ty,
Our bride­groom, Re­deem­er, and friend.


Jesus is com­ing, our Sav­ior and lov­er di­vine;
Soon in His glo­ry the ran­somed of ag­es will shine;
Ages on ag­es we’ll reign with our king on His throne;
Wonderful story! We’ll share in His glo­ry,
Redeemed by His mer­cy di­vine.

Lift up your heads and re­joice, O ye right­eous,
Your per­fect re­demp­tion is nigh;
Swiftly the dark­ness of mid­night ap­proach­es,
He com­eth shall sound from the sky.
Long has the bat­tle been waged against ev­il
By suf­fer­ing saints here be­low.
Jesus is com­ing to ban­ish our sor­row,
And lead us where tears nev­er flow.


Come, dear Lord Je­sus, Thy pro­mise ful­fill­ing;
Come quick­ly! our souls cry to Thee:
Long has the world been en­thralled by the tempt­er,
The curse is on land and on sea.
Yet Thou shalt tri­umph, the na­tions sub­du­ing,
The truth of the Word can­not fail;
God’s won­drous glo­ry, like ocean’s deep bil­lows,
To earth’s far­thest bounds shall pre­vail.
