He is risen, as He said.
Matthew 28:6
Words: MaÂry B. Smith, in EastÂer TidÂings, edÂitÂed by BentÂley AckÂley (PhiÂlaÂdelÂphia, PennÂsylÂvanÂia: BentÂley D. AckÂley, 1917), numÂber 4.
Music: BentÂley D. AckÂley (🔊
If you know where to get a good phoÂto of Smith (head & shoulÂders, at least 200Ă—300 pixÂels), would you send us an e-mail?
The dear Lord who lived on the earth here beÂlow,
Who blessed litÂtle childÂren that day long ago,
Was cruÂelÂly slain and was laid in a grave,
But now He is livÂing, His childÂren to save.
He arose on that glad EastÂer mornÂing.
Oh, sing your sweet praisÂes with hearts light and gay,
To JeÂsus who rose at the dawnÂing of day;
To JeÂsus who livÂeth and lovÂeth for aye,
Who rose on that glad EastÂer mornÂing.
The dear Lord who loved with the childÂren to be,
Who said, Let the litÂtle ones come unÂto Me,
Tho’ once He was dead, now is livÂing abÂove,
And still does He welÂcome the childÂren to love.
He arose on that glad EastÂer mornÂing.
The dear Lord who loved childÂren’s praisÂes the best,
Who tenÂderÂly gaÂthered the lambs to His breast,
Tho’ here He once died, now in HeavÂen He lives,
And blessÂings unÂnumÂbered to childÂren He gives.
He arose on that glad EastÂer mornÂing.