Scripture Verse

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8


Jacob W. Byers (1859–1944)

Words: Ja­cob W. By­ers, in Songs of the Ev­en­ing Light, ed­it­ed by Bar­ney E. War­ren & An­drew By­ers (An­der­son, In­di­ana: Gos­pel Trum­pet Pub­lish­ing, 1897), num­ber 79.

Music: An­drew L. By­ers (🔊 pdf nwc).

Andrew Byers (1869–1952)


Have you ev­er heard of Je­sus,
How He came from Heav’n to earth,
With a name of migh­ty vir­tue,
Though by ve­ry hum­ble birth?
When the world was held in bon­dage,
Under Sa­tan’s dis­mal sway,
Jesus healed their dread dis­eas­es—
He is just the same to­day.


He is just the same to­day,
He is just the same to­day;
Yes, He healed in Ga­li­lee,
Set the suf­fer­ing cap­tives free,
And He’s just the same to­day.

Do you see the peo­ple ga­ther
Round that great and ho­ly Man,
Bringing all the sick and suf­fer­ing,
Coming to Him all who can?
See Him look with great com­pas­sion,
As they faint­ed by the way!
How He called them gent­ly to Him!
He is just the same to­day.


Is it true that ev­ery sick­ness
May be laid at Je­sus’ feet?
All my trou­ble, care and sor­row,
And I rest in joy com­plete?
Yes, my bro­ther, ev­ery sad­ness,
If by faith to Him you pray,
He’ll re­move, with ten­der mer­cy,
For He’s just the same to­day.


Oh, that pre­cious, lov­ing Je­sus!
His com­pas­sion still the same,
T’ward poor sin­ful, suf­fer­ing mor­tals
Who seek re­fuge in His name.
Heed the pre­sent in­vi­ta­tion,
Oh, you need not stay away!
Just re­ceive His heal­ing fa­vor,
For He’s just the same to­day.
