Scripture Verse

I am with you always. Matthew 28:20


Words: R. A. Chase, in Ep­worth Prais­es (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Ep­worth League, 1909), num­ber 114.

Music: Wi­ni­fred Chase (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know R. A. Chase’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Wi­ni­fred,


He is not far from ev­ery one of us,
His pow­er and wis­dom shine from peak and plain.
The vault­ed heav’ns out­stretch a star­lit fane,
Where hearts, where praise­ful hearts
May wor­ship Him.


Oh! praise His name since He is near to­day,
Let whis­pered praise de­clare love’s ho­ly fear;
Let daily ser­vice speak the heart’s full cheer,
The Lord is ours, the Lord is ours,
He is not far away.

He is not far from ev­ery one of us,
Our bo­dies temp­les are our souls that praise;
Declare His pre­sence all our va­ried ways,
Where wan­der­ing, striv­ing,
We may fol­low Him.


He is not far from ev­ery one of us,
He near­er is than breath or feet or hands;
He dear­er is than friend or home or lands,
The spir­it’s fount of joy,
Our soul’s deep spring.
