He lives by the power of God.
2 Corinthians 13:4
Words: Eleanor A. Schroll, in Life Songs, edited by Samuel F. Coffman & John D. Brunk (Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Mennonite Publishing House, 1916), number 218.
Music: James H. Fillmore, Sr. (🔊
Rejoice, for the Savior has risen,
And gone is the darkness of night;
The stone has been rolled from the prison;
He lives in His glory and might.
He lives! O be glad on the earth!
He lives! Jesus lives!
Up from the grave He rose to save!
He lives, the Conq’ror lives!
Rejoice in the glad Gospel story;
Rejoice in the promise it gives
That we shall behold Him in glory;
Rejoice, for we know Jesus lives.
Rejoice for the joy it is bringing,
The hope of a glad, brighter day;
O list, while the angels are singing;
Go, bear ye the message away.