He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened He not His mouth.
Acts 8:32
They crucified my Lord,
And He never said a mumbalin’ word;
They crucified my Lord,
And He never said a mumbalin’ word.
Not a word, not a word, not a word.
They nailed Him to a tree,
And He never said a mumbalin’ word;
They nailed Him to a tree,
They pierced Him in the side,
And He never said a mumbalin’ word;
They pierced Him in the side,
The blood came trickalin’ down,
And He never said a mumbalin’ word;
The blood came trickalin’ down,
He bowed His head and died,
And He never said a mumbalin’ word;
He bowed His head and died,