Scripture Verse

I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Matthew 28:20


Johnson Oatman, Jr. (1856–1922)

Words: John­son Oat­man, Jr., 1923. Ap­peared in Songs of the Cross, ed­it­ed by Ru­fus H. Cor­ne­li­us (Fort Worth, Tex­as: R. H. Cor­ne­li­us, 1924), num­ber 136.

Music: Le­on­ard D. Huff­stut­ler (🔊 pdf nwc).

Leonard D. Huffstutler (1887–1977)


Since I gave to Je­sus
My poor brok­en heart,
He ne­ver has left me alone;
Since I for the home­land
Eternal did start,
He ne­ver has left me alone.


He ne­ver has left me alone,
No, He ne­ver has left me alone;
By night and by day
He is with me al­way,
He ne­ver has left me alone.

Tho’ wind­ing and hea­vy
The road may app­ear,
He ne­ver has left me alone;
The day may be dis­mal,
The night may be drear,
He ne­ver has left me alone.


When sor­row has tak­en
My heart by sur­prise,
He ne­ver has left me alone;
In ten­der­ness wip­ing
The tears from mine eyes,
He ne­ver has left me alone.


I’ll tell the whole world
As the val­ley I roam,
He ne­ver has left me alone;
I’ll tell it through Hea­ven
When I shall reach home,
He ne­ver has left me alone;
