Scripture Verse

The same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8


Words: Jack C. Ad­die, in Ban­ner Hymns, first edi­tion (Fort Scott, Kan­sas: Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, Church Ad­vo­cate & Ho­li­ness Ban­ner, 1904), alt.

Music: George W. Cooke, 1920. Ap­peared in Glad Tid­ings in Song, ed­it­ed by Will­iam E. Bie­der­wolf, John S. Ha­mil­ton, Bob Jones, E. C. Mill­er & Hen­ry W. Stough (Ch­ic­ago, Illinois: Glad Tid­ings Pub­lish­ing, 1921), page 21 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ad­die or Cooke (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


When Mos­es and his peo­ple
From Egypt’s land did flee,
Their en­emies be­hind them, and
In front of them the sea;
God raised the wa­ters like a wall,
And op­ened up the way;
And the God that lived in Moses’ time,


Is just the same to­day!
He’s just the same to­day,
He’s just the same to­day:
The God that lived in Mo­ses’ time
Is just the same to­day!

When Jo­nah left his du­ty and
Was swal­lowed by a whale,
The guilt and ang­uish that he bore
No hu­man tongue can tell;
God helped him reach dry land again,
When will­ing to obey,
And the God that lived in Jo­nah’s time,


When Da­ni­el, faith­ful to his God,
Would not bow down to men,
And by God’s ene­mies was hurled
Into the li­ons’ den;
God shut the li­ons’ mouths, we read
And robbed them of their prey;
And the God that lived in Da­ni­el’s time,


When Pen­te­cost was ful­ly come,
And fire from Heav’n did fall,
That migh­ty wind, the Ho­ly Ghost,
Baptized them one and all;
Three thou­sand were con­vert­ed,
And chose the heav’n­ly way,
And the God that lived at Pen­te­cost,
