Scripture Verse

Peace, be still. Mark 4:39


Words: Fran­cis W. Ware, in The Peace­mak­er, ed­it­ed by Win­field S. Weed­en & George Bea­ver­son (New York: Wee­den & Van De Ven­ter, 1894).

Music: Peace­mak­ers J. E. Glines (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Glines’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Ware (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


He hath spok­en, Be still,
The Re­buk­er of seas;
The com­mand was for me,
And my heart is at ease;
He hath hushed into si­lence
The waves and the winds,
By ap­ply­ing His blood,
And re­mov­ing my sins.


He’s the Prince of peace­mak­ers,
All glo­ry to God,
To re­deem me, and cleanse me,
He shed his own blood;
My adop­tion is sealed,
I’m a child of the King,
And for ev­er and ev­er
Of Je­sus I’ll sing.

He hath quick­ened my soul
By a life from above,
It was done by the Spir­it,
Its es­sence is love;
He hath par­doned and washed me
As white as the snow,
And my heart with His love
Does this moment o’er­flow.


He’s a won­der­ful Je­sus,
This Sav­ior of mine,
He’s the great Son of God,
A Re­deem­er divine.
He’s my strength, and my wis­dom,
My life and my Lord,
And en­throned in my heart
To be loved and adored.


I will love Him and serve Him,
From now till I die,
For His love fills my heart,
And His beau­ty my eye.
He’s the fair­est and dear­est
Of all to my soul,
And our lives shall be one,
While eter­ni­ties roll.
