


Born: De­cem­ber 5, 1855, near Dun­dee, Mi­chi­gan.

Died: Ju­ly 17, 1939, Tem­ple Ter­race, Tam­pa, Flo­ri­da.

Buried: Ma­ple Grove Ce­me­te­ry, Dun­dee, Mi­chi­gan.


Judson was the son of John Wes­ley Van DeVen­ter and Eli­za Ann Wheel­er. He mar­ried twice, to Ma­lis­sa Mill­er and Ca­ro­line Jack­son (1925) .

He at­tend­ed Hills­dale Col­lege, Hills­dale, Mi­chi­gan.

He then taught in the pub­lic schools for 15 years; served as Su­per­vis­or of Draw­ing in Sha­ron, Penn­syl­van­ia; and five years in Brad­dock, Penn­syl­van­ia.

He switched to a ca­reer in ev­an­gel­ism around 1896, work­ing with Wil­bur Chap­man and oth­ers in Am­eri­ca and Eng­land.

Toward the end of his life, he lived in St. Pe­ters­burg, Flo­ri­da, then moved to Tam­pa, Flo­ri­da, around 1923. He was pro­fess­or of hym­no­lo­gy at the Flo­ri­da Bi­ble In­st­itute (now Tri­ni­ty Bi­ble Col­lege) for four years.

