Scripture Verse

Get thee up…for there is a sound of abundance of rain. 1 Kings 18:41


Judson W. Van DeVenter

Words: Mrs. C. H. Good, 1927; re­frain ano­ny­mous.

Music: Jud­son W. Van De­Ven­ter (1855–1939). Ar­ranged by Hal­dor Lil­le­nas (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Good’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of her (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Haldor Lillenas (1885–1959)


Over the hill­tops, down from the skies,
Coming from glo­ry—lift up your eyes!
While we are watch­ing, and while we pray,
A migh­ty re­viv­al is sweep­ing this way.


Sweeping this way, yes, sweep­ing this way,
A mighty re­viv­al is sweep­ing this way.
Keep on be­liev­ing, trust and ob­ey;
A mighty re­viv­al is sweep­ing this way.

As He has pr­omised, so shall it be:
Blessings from glo­ry on you and me—
Waters abun­dant, floods to o’er­flow.
A mighty re­viv­al is com­ing, I know.


Prophets have told it: in the last days
Hearts shall be filled with glo­ri­ous praise;
Our sons and daugh­ters, both shall pro­claim
The news of re­demp­tion thro’ His great name.


Tarry for pow­er—this is our need.
Patiently la­bor, sow­ing the seed.
Soon comes the har­vest—glo­ri­ous day!
A mighty re­vi­val is sweep­ing this way.
