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HE SAVES ME (Van DeVenter)

Scripture Verse

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. 1 Timothy 1:15


Judson W. Van DeVenter

Words: Jud­son W. Van De­Ven­ter, 1895.

Music: Win­field S. Wee­den (🔊 ).

Winfield S. Weeden


The dear lov­ing Sav­ior hath found me,
And shat­tered the fet­ters that bound me,
Tho’ all was con­fu­sion around me,
He came and spoke peace to my soul.
The bless­èd Re­deem­er that bought me,
In tender­ness con­stant­ly sought me,
The way of sal­va­tion He taught me,
And made my heart per­fect­ly whole.


He saves me, He saves me,
His love fills my soul, hal­le­lu­jah!
Oh, glo­ry! oh, glo­ry!
His Spir­it abid­eth with­in;
He saves me, He saves me,
His love fills my soul, hal­le­lu­jah!
Oh, glo­ry! oh, glo­ry!
His blood cleans­eth me from all sin.

He sought me so long ere I knew Him,
But fi­nal­ly win­ning me to Him,
I yield­ed my all to pur­sue Him,
And asked to be filled with His grace.
Although a vile sin­ner be­fore Him,
Thro’ faith I was led to im­plore Him,
And now I re­joice and ad­ore Him,
Restored to His lov­ing em­brace.


I nev­er, no, nev­er will leave Him!
Grow wea­ry of ser­vice and grieve Him,
I’ll con­stant­ly trust and be­lieve Him,
Remain in His pre­sence di­vine.
Abiding in love ev­er flow­ing,
In know­ledge and grace ev­er grow­ing,
Confiding im­pli­cit­ly, know­ing
That Je­sus the Sav­ior is mine.
