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HE SAVES ME (Stuart)

Scripture Verse

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. 1 Timothy 1:15


Words: George R. Stu­art, 1896.

Music: Zoll­ie S. Stu­art (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Zollie Stu­art (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

George R. Stuart (1857–1926)


Jesus, my all, to Heav’n is gone,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me;
He whom I fix my hopes up­on,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me.


He saves me, He saves me,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me.
He saves me, He saves me,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me.

This is the way I long have sought,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me;
And mourned be­cause I found it not,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me.


The King’s high­way of ho­li­ness,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me;
I’ll go, for all His paths are peace,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me.


My grief a bur­den long has been,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me;
Because I was not saved from sin,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me.


Lo! glad I come; and Thou, blest Lamb,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me;
Shalt take me to Thee, as I am;
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me.


Nothing but sin have I to give,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me;
Nothing but love shall I re­ceive,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me.


Then will I tell to sin­ners ’round,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me;
What a dear Sav­ior I have found,
Glory hal­le­lu­jah, Je­sus saves me.
