Scripture Verse

I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Joel 2:28


Andrew Reed (1787–1862)

Words: An­drew Reed, 1817.

Music: Mer­cy Lou­is M. Gott­schalk, 1867 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Louis M. Gottschalk (1829–1869)


Holy Ghost, with light di­vine,
Shine up­on this heart of mine;
Chase the shade of night away,
Turn my dark­ness in­to day.

Let me see my Sav­ior’s face,
Let me all His beau­ties trace;
Show those glo­ri­ous truths to me
Which are on­ly known to Thee.

Holy Ghost, with pow­er di­vine,
Cleanse this guil­ty heart of mine;
Long has sin, with­out con­trol,
Held do­min­ion o’er my soul.

Holy Ghost, with joy di­vine,
Cheer this sad­dened heart of mine;
Bid my ma­ny woes de­part,
Heal my wound­ed, bleed­ing heart.

Holy Spir­it, all di­vine,
Dwell with­in this heart of mine;
Cast down ev­ery id­ol throne,
Reign su­preme, and reign alone.

See, to Thee I yield my heart,
Shed Thy life through ev­ery part;
A pure tem­ple I would be,
Wholly de­di­cate to Thee.