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Scripture Verse

Pilate saw that there was nothing he could do and that the people were starting to riot. So he took some water and washed his hands in front of them and said, I won’t have anything to do with killing this righteous man. You are the ones doing it! Matthew 27:24


Charles Coffin (1676–1749)

Words: Charles Cof­fin, in the Pa­ris Bre­vi­ary, 1736 (Op­pro­bri­is, Je­su, sa­tur). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by John Chand­ler, Hymns of the Pri­mi­tive Church, 1837, page 72.

Music: Ver­leih uns Frie­den gnä­dig­lich, in the Church Book, ed­it­ed by Har­ri­et R. Krauth (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: J. K. Shry­ock, 1890), num­ber 174a (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

  • Lingolsheim Ger­man, 1525 (🔊 )
John Chandler (1806–1876)
National Portrait Gallery



His trial o’er, and now be­neath
His own cross faint­ly bend­ing,
Jesus the fa­tal hill of death
Is wea­ri­ly as­cend­ing.

And now, His hands and feet pierc­ed through,
Upon the cross they raise Him:
Where even now, in dist­ant view,
The eye of faith sur­veys Him.

O wond­rous love, which God most high
Toward man was pleased to cher­ish!
His sin­less Son He gave to die,
That sin­ners might not per­ish.

Yes, ’tis the cross that breaks the rod
And chain of con­dem­na­tion,
And makes a league ’twixt man and God
For our en­tire sal­va­tion.

O praise the Fa­ther, praise the Son,
The Lamb for sin­ners giv­en,
And Ho­ly Ghost, by whom alone
Our hearts are raised to Heav­en.