O give thanks unto the Lord; for He is good: because His mercy endureth for ever.
Psalm 118:1
Words: Paraphrase of Psalm 118, 1909. Also see Give Thanks and Praise to God Above.
Music: William T. Wiley, 1899 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Wiley (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Give thanks and praise to God above,
For everlasting is His love;
Praise Him, ye saints, your Savior praise,
Forever good in all His ways.
His tender mercy lasts for aye,
His tender mercy lasts for aye;
His tender mercy, tender mercy,
Tender mercy lasts for aye.
Let all His servants tell abroad
The never failing grace of God;
Let all who fear Jehovah’s name
His everlasting love proclaim.
In bondage of distress and grief
To God I cried, and sought relief;
In wondrous love He heard my plea
And set my soul at liberty.