Scripture Verse

His word was with power. Luke 4:32


Eliza E. Hewitt (1851–1920)

Words: Eli­za E. Hew­itt, 1900.

Music: How­ard E. Smith (🔊 pdf nwc).

Howard E. Smith


There’s pow­er, migh­ty pow­er
In the word of the King;
He speaks, and the cap­tive is free;
The lips of the dumb
With re­joic­ing shall sing;
O speak, bless­èd Sav­ior, to me!


O the pow­er, migh­ty pow­er,
In the word of my Sav­ior and king!
O the pow­er, migh­ty pow­er!
For Je­sus sal­va­tion shall bring.

There’s pow­er, migh­ty pow­er
In the par­don­ing word;
He said, Go, and sin now no more!
How sweet was the hour
When for­giv­eness I heard,
And mer­cy had op­ened the door!


There’s pow­er, migh­ty pow­er
In the word of the Lord,
And strength He will give, when we pray,
To fol­low His foot­steps,
Is good­ness re­cord,
And walk in love’s beau­ti­ful way.
