Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.
Matthew 24:35
Words: Ida M. Budd, in Praise and Promise, edited by James M. Black & Charles C. McCabe (Chicago, Illinois: Robert R. McCabe, 1900), number 68.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
O wand’rer from the Savior’s fold,
Where’er thy way may be,
Can earth such sweet assurance give
As that He offers thee?
Heav’n and earth shall pass away,
But My words shall not pass away;
Heav’n and earth shall pass away,
But My words shall not pass away.
Canst thou not hear His loving words,
Thro’ all earth’s restless strife,
He that believeth on the Son
Hath everlasting life.
Fear not; believe, for only they
Who trust may enter in;
By faith eternal life is won,
And vict’ry over sin.
Come, then, O soul, and find in Him
Thy life, thy rest, thy peace;
So shall thy heav’nly joys begin,
And never, never cease.