As thy days, so shall thy strength be.
Deuteronomy 33:25
Words: Anonymous, in The Sabbath Hymn Book (New York: Sheldon & Blakeman, 1858).
Music: Tower Philip P. Bliss (1838–1876) (🔊
While foes are strong and danger near,
A voice falls gently on my ear:
My Savior speaks, He says to me,
That as my days my strength shall be.
His word a tower to which I flee,
For as my days my strength shall be.
His word a tower to which I flee,
For as my days my strength shall be.
With such a promise need I fear
For all that now I hold most dear?
No, I will never anxious be,
For as my days my strength shall be.
And when at last I’m called to die,
Still on Thy promise I’ll rely;
Yes, Lord, I then will trust in Thee,
That as my days my strength shall be.