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Scripture Verse

I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me. Galatians 2:20


Words: Al­ice C. Hoff­man, 1920.

Music: Hal­dor Lil­le­nas (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Hoff­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Haldor Lillenas (1885–1959)


If the love of all ag­es since time was be­gun
Could be sud­denly weld­ed or rolled in­to one,
It would be but a sha­dow I see,
It would be but a sha­dow I see;
By the side of His love when He died in my stead,
With a sor­row torn heart and a thorn pierc­èd head,
And His won­der­ful love was for me,
Yes, His won­der­ful love was for me.


His won­der­ful love was for me,
His love that is price­less yet free;
When my soul’s hope was lost,
His love paid the cost,
O that won­der­ful love for me!

’Tis the cost­li­est love that has ev­er been known,
Yet He paid the great price, and He paid it alone,
In the sha­dow of Cal­va­ry’s tree,
In the sha­dow of Cal­va­ry’s tree.
It is bound­less as time and as wide as all space,
And it takes all of man­kind with­in its em­brace,
But this won­der­ful love was for me,
Yes, His won­der­ful love was for me.


’Tis a love that will help me to live my life here,
Be it ev­er so plea­sant, or lone­ly and drear,
To the trea­sures of life ’tis the key,
To the trea­sures of life ’tis the key.
It will pi­lot me down thro’ the shades of the tomb,
And will snatch my poor soul from eter­ni­ty’s doom,
Yes, this won­der­ful love was for me,
Yes, His won­der­ful love was for me.
