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Scripture Verse

He leadeth me beside still waters, He restoreth my soul. Psalm 23:2–3


Words: Hel­en S. Ar­nold, 1896.

Music: Charles H. Ga­bri­el (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ar­nold (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Charles Gabriel (1856–1932)


He lead­eth me, for I can feel the clasp­ing
Of that pierc­èd hand so firm, so kind, so dear;
And in sweet, trust­ing con­fi­dence I fol­low,
And fear no dan­ger while my guide is near.


He lead­eth me, He lead­eth me,
No dan­ger then my soul shall fear,
But in sweet, trust­ing con­fi­dence I fol­low,
And fear no dan­ger while my guide is near.

He lead­eth me, but not thro’ flow­ery mea­dows,
Where sun­shine lin­gers all the glad­some day;
My tir­èd feet are oft­en torn and bleed­ing,
With thorns that pierce them in this nar­row way.


He lead­eth me, but some­times in my blind­ness,
I turn aside to grasp at earth­ly toys;
Ah, then His voice so ten­der­ly doth win me,
That like a sha­dow, fly all oth­er joys.


He lead­eth me, and I will clasp more close­ly
That pierc­èd hand so kind, so firm, so dear;
And in sweet, trust­ing con­fi­dence I fol­low,
And fear no dan­ger while my guide is near.
