Scripture Verse

He lives on high. Isaiah 33:5


Baylus B. McKinney (1886–1952)

Words: Bay­lus B. Mc­Kin­ney, cir­ca 1921.

Music: From Alo­ha Oe, by Queen Lil­iuo­ka­la­ni of Ha­wa­ii, ar­ranged by Bay­lus Mc­Kin­ney (🔊 pdf nwc).

Queen Liliuokalani (1838–1917)


Christ the Sav­ior came from Hea­ven’s glo­ry,
To redeem the lost from sin and shame;
On His brow He wore the thorn-crown glo­ry,
And upon Calvary He took my blame.


He lives on high, He lives on high,
Triumphant over sin and all its stain;
He lives on high, He lives on high,
Some day He’s coming again.

He arose from death and all its sorrow,
To dwell in that land of joy and love;
He is coming back some glad tomorrow,
And He’ll take all His children home above.


Weary soul, to Je­sus come confessing,
Redemption from sin He offers thee;
Look to Je­sus and receive a blessing,
There is life, there is joy and vic­to­ry!
