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Scripture Verse

Come, see the place where the Lord lay. Matthew 28:6


Johan O. Wallin (1779–1839)

Words: Jo­han O. Wall­in (1779–1839) (Han lefver! o min ande känn). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by Bernt E. Bengt­son (1864?), alt.

Music: Han Lef­ver, adapt­ed from Jo­hann Haeff­ner’s Ko­ral­bok, 1819 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Bengt­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


He lives! O faint­ing heart, anew
With joy thy Lord and Sav­ior view!
He from the si­lent cham­ber woke,
And speaks again as e’er He spoke.
A quick­en­ing hand He has to give:
He lives, and thou shalt al­so live.

O hear His voice, and take His hand,
Thou tra­vel­er to a bet­ter land;
While pass­ing through thy cru­cial test,
Lift up thy head—a peace­ful rest,
Thy tri­als over, He shall give:
He lives, and thou shalt also live.

Ye dead in sin, awake, arise!
The Lord is call­ing from the skies.
Repentant come, in faith re­main,
And live in Him; from sin and pain
And death shall He sal­va­tion give:
He lives, and thou shalt al­so live.

With Him thy guide, lies smooth and bright
Thy path­way to the realm of light;
Abiding faith, un­dy­ing love,
And hope lead to the home above.
Thy life in­to His keep­ing give:
He lives, and thou shalt also live.

Of glo­ry shall His rai­ment be;
O’er time and o’er eter­ni­ty
The Sun of Right­eous­ness shall shine;
On Heav­en’s throne He sits di­vine;
A foot­stool earth to Him shall give:
He lives, and thou shalt also live.