Scripture Verse

Lord, how long will You look on? Rescue my soul! Psalm 35:17


Words: Sam­uel M. Glas­gow, 1917.

Music: C. T. Cald­well (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Glas­gow or Cald­well’s full name, or where to get their pho­tos,


Rev. Motte Mar­tin, of Af­ri­ca, re­cites the mo­ving in­ci­dent of a seek­er af­ter a teach­er for his dis­tant vi­llage who, when thrice re­fused, there be­ing none to send, cried out in his brok­en-heart­ed­ness, in re­sponse to the ans­wer, You must wait; HOW LONG MUST WE WAIT?

Oh, Teach­er, ask the white man in your land, HOW LONG MUST WE WAIT?

Broadman Hym­nal, p. 131


Long have we sought eter­nal life,
Years have we waited in sin and strife;
In dark­ness groped, sad mi­se­ry’s mate,
How long? how long must we wait?


How long? how long must we wait?
How long? how long must we wait?
The la­bor­ers still are few;
Our Lord has need of you,
How long? how long must we wait?

You know the love of God ma­ni­fold,
Ages have brought you their grace un­told;
Peace and a hope, no fear of fate.
How long? how long must we wait?


The ag­èd faint and long for the Friend,
Dark sha­dows ga­ther­ing bring the end;
Fades now the light, ’tis grow­ing late.
How long? how long must we wait?
